Wildstar academy

Wildstar Academy is an initiative set up by Wildstar Films based in Bristol.

Acknowledging the lack of female, indigenous and underrepresented people working in the Wildlife Film industry, Wildstar Academy is taking direct action to change this.

They have two goals; To expand the role of Indigenous, female and underrepresented voices in wildlife filmmaking and to expand the power and influence of these voices in the industry.

Being based in Bristol it’s always exciting to work with a Wildlife Film company, the content for one is something I’m personally really interested in. Combine this with a mission to broaden the representation of the makers and creators of these films and it’s a double whammy!

The website had to be clear with a direct call to action as well as being visually representative of what the Academy are looking to achieve.

If you’re interested in learning more visit the site: www.wildstaracademy.tv


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Laith al-kaisy