Keeping Christmas Simple

Well there’s never been a year when I’ve not wanted it to be simple but this year more than ever. A few years ago I made myself a Christmas book so I can keep a track of what I’ve bought people before and what they’ve given us, who to send cards to etc etc.

I’ve made a few for friends and family and each year I hone the design and how its made. This years I’ve made a few more bespoke ones, including a couple simple notebooks for gifts.

I love making these books, there are so many different stages. The design, the print, the punching, the stitching, the cover and finally the corners. Here are some pics of this years Christmas book.

There are 5 sections:

Christmas Cards - a simple list of names and a tick box when you’ve written them.

Gifts to Buy - A space for the name of the recipient, what you got them and the cost, on the opposite page is where you can jot down notes and ideas.

Gifts Received - what you’ve recieved and a tick box when you’ve sent your thank you cards.

Notes & Ideas - exactly that!

Lists - a few pages of tick box to do lists - who doesn’t write a million to do lists over Christmas!?

They’re a fun make and I’ve used mine religiously, its been a lifesaver from getting people the exact same thing every year!


kamin mohammadi


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